Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Title of our short film

I'm not okay

In the design of the title we will have the word ‘not’ with a strike through, which then leaves ‘I’m Okay’. We are doing this because a theme in our film is that all of the main characters have problems in their lives and they hide their true feelings by appearing as if they are okay when really they are not.
For example, a character will be asked "Are you okay?" and they say that they are okay and that they are fine, when deep down they know that they are not okay. This is an issue that a lot of people face in their everyday lives, hiding what they truly feel. It is so easy to just say to someone that you are completely fine so as not to worry or involve them in your problem, but sometimes that would be the better choice to take. Our characters have yet to discover that telling someone about their problems and having someone to talk to about them would benefit them in so many ways.
I was thinking if we had the "I'm okay." in a different colour than the not then it would make the "I'm okay." stand out more as that being what the person is actually saying, and then the point that we want to get across with this title will be easier to visualise. I first thought of having blue as the colour to stand out, purely because I like blue and sometimes the colour blue can connote sadness, when someone is 'feeling blue'.

My friend then looked over at the screen and at my design and said that she thought it was really good and that she liked it, so this proves that it does draw attention, and the colour standing out works. She suggested trying black and red instead of having black and blue, so i did this version and then she said that she preferred my original blue version better. So I will show this to Rabbi and see what she thinks of it and how we could improve it for the film poster.

It would be good if we could take a photograph and edit the title on to look something similar to this image. It is simple but i think it is very effective. The way the writing has been done on this could represent how angry the person is feeling inside. So me and Rabbi might experiment with different photographs that we take and see if we can come up with something similar to this, just so we can get an idea of how we might want to design our film poster.

There are many images and little phrases such as this on the Internet that relate to the theme and idea of our short film, the fact that this issue is so relatable for many people is really what we would like to capture within our film. I think that when the audience watch the film, even if they haven't been through the issues expressed and focuses on in the film specifically, they will still be able to think of a time when they might have said they were okay if when they weren't. With this phrase that i have found i think it could represent what is going through the persons mind. They are in denial of their pain and convincing themselves that they are going to be okay and put on a happy front just so they can try and get through each day. Underneath the black text, the same phrase is written in white text, and you can hardly tell it is there, that is the same for the emotions of our characters, they have this sadness but because they hide it (like the white text is hidden) people can't tell it is there. We have to look a little closer to see how the person is really feeling, and this is what our short film does, we get to see behind the face that the characters out on, we get to see what is really going on.

These two apples are a simple representation of what our film is about. The sad apple appears happy to the other apple, but we see howe he is really feeling. I just searched on google "hiding emotions" because that is what all of our characters are doing. The audience get to follow the charcaters instead of being convincxed that the people are okay. At first they might think as the friend of the characters would, by passivly hearing the character say "I'm fine" or "I'm okay" and then later on they realise what the character is really going through, and then when they hear another character say they are fine or okay, the audience know that they are lying and they know that something is wrong, whereas the friend in the short film does not know. This might start the audience to place themselves in this position, as either the friend or the troubled character. They might think twice when thier friend tells them that they are okay. This short film will hopefully make the audience think about hidden emotions.

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