1) What is your name?
2) What gender are you?
Male Female
3) How old are you?
17-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60+
4) List some of your hobbies
Film in general
1) How often do you watch films? Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Never
2) Do you watch short films? Yes No
3) How often do you go to the cinema? Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Never
4) What is your favourite film genre? __________________________________________
5) What is your favourite film? _______________________________________________
6) What is the last film you watched? __________________________________________
7) Did you enjoy it? _______________________________________________________
8) If yes, why? ___________________________________________________________
9) If no, why? ___________________________________________________________
10) Who is your favourite actor? ______________________________________________
11) Who is your favourite actress? ____________________________________________
12) Who is your favourite director? ___________________________________________
13) What is your favourite music genre? _______________________________________
14) Who is your favourite artist? _____________________________________________
15) How often do you listen to music? ________________________________________
Social Realism
1) Would you watch a Social Realism film? ____________________________________
2) If yes, why? _________________________________________________________
3) If no, why? __________________________________________________________
4) Do you think that Social Realism films have an effect on society? Yes No
5) Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Issues related to our film
1) What is your sexuality? Heterosexual Homosexual Bisexual Other Prefer not to say
2) What is your opinion on self harm? ___________________________________________
3) What do you think of domestic abuse? ________________________________________
4) What do you think of child abuse? ____________________________________________
This is the questionnaire that we gave to some people around college, our family and family friends so that we could get an idea of how often they watch film and what type of films they like to watch. We also asked them what they thought of certain issues that we are exploring in our short film. I think the questions relating to the issues could have been phrased better or a little differently, as people commented on these questions not being worded well. "What do you think of child abuse?" nobody is obviously going to say that it is a good thing, so to have worded it differently to get another type of opinion would have been better.